Vehicle Logo

Customize = {
Framework = "QBCore", -- QBCore - ESX - NewESX - OldQBCore (Write the framework you used as in the example)
Mysql = "oxmysql", -- oxmysql - ghmattimysql - mysql-async (Write the sql script you use as in the example)
AllCarsRestartInGarage = true, -- Sends all vehicles to the garage when restarted
VehLogo = false, -- Allows you to toggle tool brand icons in the UI
PriceType = 'cash', -- cash - bank (Represents the form of money she will receive from the player)
GaragesPrice = 0, -- amount to be taken when spawning a car
isPrice = false, -- if it is closed it will spawn the agent without checking the money
AllDamageSave = true, -- It also allows for the recording of vehicle damages
ModificationSave = true, -- It also allows for the recording of vehicle modifications
Lang = {
['TotalCars'] = 'TOTAL CARS',
['Impound'] = 'IMPOUND GARAGE',
['OutGarage'] = 'OUT GARAGE',
['InGarage'] = 'IN GARAGE',
['Search'] = 'TYPE CAR NAME HERE ...',
['Acceleration'] = 'Acceleration',
['Traction'] = 'Traction',
['MaxSpeed'] = 'Max Speed',
['StickerFee'] = 'vehicle sticker fee',
['Draw3DText'] = '[E] GARAGE'
GetVehFuel = function(Veh)
return GetVehicleFuelLevel(Veh) -- exports["uz_fuel"]:GetFuel(Veh) - exports["LegacyFuel"]:GetFuel(Veh) - GetVehicleFuelLevel(Veh)
SetVehFuel = function(Veh, Fuel)
return SetVehicleFuelLevel(Veh, Fuel) -- exports['uz_fuel']:SetFuel(Veh, Fuel) - exports['LegacyFuel']:SetFuel(Veh, Fuel) - SetVehicleFuelLevel(Veh, Fuel)
CarNotSpawnNotift = function() -- You should adjust it according to the notify you are using on your server.
print('All designated locations are full.')
Garages = {
Pos = vector3(120.61, 6623.28, 31.96), -- Represents NPC and Blip location
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01", -- (
NpcHeading = 226.53, -- Represents the npc's view direction
Blip = "Paleto Bay", -- Specifies the name to appear on the map
BlipSprite = 357, -- (
BlipDisplay = 4, -- (
BlipScale = 0.5, -- Sets icon size
BlipColour = 18, -- (
VehPutPos = vector3(132.73, 6629.2, 31.14), -- The location where the car will be put in the garage
VehSpawnPos = { -- Location where the car will be picked up from the garage
[1] = vector4(127.67, 6590.31, 31.4, 267.53),
[2] = vector4(132.97, 6585.3, 31.54, 273.22)
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(130.33, 6607.72, 31.3, 355.3), -- Represents the place where the car will be displayed in the ui
locationPos = vector3(117.0, 6608.0, 34.0), -- Camera location
locationRot = vector3(-8.0, 0.0, 265.4), -- Camera location
fov = 35.0 -- Camera Field of View (Fov)
Type = 'car' -- sea - car - air (Type the type of vehicle you want to use as in the example)
Pos = vector3(-1381.94, 6740.05, 5.88),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 251.68,
Blip = "Yacht",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(-1389.3, 6742.51, 11.98),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(-1389.3, 6742.51, 11.98, 250.58)
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(-1389.3, 6742.51, 11.98, 250.58),
locationPos = vector3(-1382.87, 6736.76, 13.56),
locationRot = vector3(-8.0, 0.0, 44.05),
fov = 90.0
Type = 'air'
Pos = vector3(-1608.82, 5261.94, 3.97),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 124.58,
Blip = "Yacht",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(-1602.52, 5259.98, 0.0),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(-1602.52, 5259.98, 0.0, 201.8)
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(-1602.52, 5259.98, 0.0, 201.8),
locationPos = vector3(-1595.74, 5252.49, 2.8),
locationRot = vector3(-10.0, 0.0, 41.93),
fov = 70.0
Type = 'sea'
{ -- Motel Garage
Pos = vector3(273.86, -345.35, 44.92),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 66.8,
Blip = "Motel Parking",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(271.64, -337.34, 44.34),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(270.62, -318.94, 44.27, 248.47),
[2] = vector4(269.3, -322.28, 44.27, 249.89),
[3] = vector4(268.44, -325.72, 44.27, 250.41),
[4] = vector4(268.04, -329.18, 44.27, 248.41),
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(266.62, -332.11, 44.34, 250.03),
locationPos = vector3(270.5, -337.02, 46.3),
locationRot = vector3(-14.0, 0.0, 36.0),
fov = 60.0
Type = 'car'
{ -- Red Garage
Pos = vector3(-331.55, -781.93, 33.96),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 45.79,
Blip = "Red Parking",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(-332.85, -765.46, 33.97),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(-328.85, -751.03, 33.97, 3.27),
[2] = vector4(-331.64, -751.98, 33.97, 0.03),
[3] = vector4(-334.56, -751.05, 33.97, 14.44),
[4] = vector4(-337.2, -751.24, 33.97, 27.53),
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(-323.72, -772.64, 33.39, 302.19),
locationPos = vector3(-329.99, -772.23, 34.6),
locationRot = vector3(-12.0, 0.0, -98.0),
fov = 60.0
Type = 'car'
{ -- Spanish Ave Garage
Pos = vector3(-1160.81, -740.2, 19.74),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 129.57,
Blip = "Spanish Ave Parking",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(-1167.64, -739.02, 19.83),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(-1146.01, -745.71, 19.64, 282.49),
[2] = vector4(-1144.4, -748.75, 19.48, 283.42),
[3] = vector4(-1141.56, -751.87, 19.33, 285.86),
[4] = vector4(-1138.99, -754.47, 19.21, 290.38),
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(-1166.14, -749.47, 19.26, 265.17),
locationPos = vector3(-1163.2, -744.59, 20.1),
locationRot = vector3(-12.0, 0.0, 150.2),
fov = 60.0
Type = 'car'
{ -- Caears 24 Garage
Pos = vector3(69.02, 11.54, 68.95),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 257.7,
Blip = "Caears 24 Parking",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(65.43, 21.19, 69.47),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(54.6, 19.43, 69.51, 339.3),
[2] = vector4(57.53, 18.16, 69.3, 317.63),
[3] = vector4(60.59, 17.29, 69.17, 336.98),
[4] = vector4(63.78, 16.32, 69.13, 335.64),
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(69.62, 24.0, 69.46, 65.85),
locationPos = vector3(67.67, 19.88, 70.2),
locationRot = vector3(-18.0, 0.0, -25.82),
fov = 60.0
Type = 'car'
{ -- Laguna Garage
Pos = vector3(363.36, 296.94, 103.5),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 255.6,
Blip = "Laguna Parking",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(365.8, 290.11, 103.4),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(370.63, 283.79, 103.25, 342.99),
[2] = vector4(374.4, 282.7, 103.18, 338.93),
[3] = vector4(378.25, 281.49, 103.12, 339.82),
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(360.0, 278.94, 103.28, 217.25),
locationPos = vector3(364.62, 281.18, 104.31),
locationRot = vector3(-18.0, 0.0, 113.82),
fov = 60.0
Type = 'car'
{ -- Beach Garage
Pos = vector3(-1183.2, -1508.35, 4.38),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 311.19,
Blip = "Beach Parking",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(-1183.63, -1501.8, 4.38),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(-1182.55, -1495.07, 4.38, 127.5),
[2] = vector4(-1184.72, -1492.75, 4.38, 130.58),
[3] = vector4(-1186.17, -1490.39, 4.38, 125.71),
[4] = vector4(-1188.24, -1487.97, 4.38, 129.75),
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(-1171.47, -1493.24, 4.38, 164.55),
locationPos = vector3(-1175.87, -1491.87, 5.6),
locationRot = vector3(-18.0, 0.0, 250.5),
fov = 70.0
Type = 'car'
{ -- Pillbox Hill Garage
Pos = vector3(214.54, -806.95, 30.8),
NpcHash = "s_m_y_valet_01",
NpcHeading = 339.97,
Blip = "Pillbox Hill Parking",
BlipSprite = 357,
BlipDisplay = 4,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipColour = 18,
VehPutPos = vector3(211.92, -800.04, 30.89),
VehSpawnPos = {
[1] = vector4(209.64, -791.39, 30.5, 248.63),
[2] = vector4(211.14, -788.75, 30.33, 249.13),
[3] = vector4(210.77, -785.82, 30.93, 250.0),
[4] = vector4(212.3, -783.39, 30.9, 251.18),
Camera = {
vehSpawn = vector4(236.95, -783.71, 30.63, 179.64),
locationPos = vector3(233.37, -789.9, 30.6),
locationRot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -25.0),
fov = 50.0
Type = 'car'
Last updated
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