Settings = {
Framework = 'qb-core', -- Specify the framework you're using: esx / qb-core / old-esx
Mysql = 'oxmysql', -- Specify the SQL script you're using: oxmysql / ghmattimysql / mysql-async
FuelSystem = 'LegacyFuel', -- Fuel system: LegacyFuel / ox-fuel / nd-fuel / frfuel / cdn-fuel / hyon_gas_station / x-fuel
vehicleShop = {
[1] = {
ServerName = "uz Roleplay designs your dream car", -- The name of the server
-- Other Coords
BuySpawn = vector4(-10.6716, -1096.76, 26.183, 100.5), -- The coordinates where the car can be bought
PressButton = vector3(-56.89, -1097.18, 27.42), -- The coordinates where the button is pressed to access the shop
-- Ped Settings
peds = {
model = 'cs_milton', -- Ped model
position = vector3(-56.89, -1097.18, 26.42), -- Ped position
heading = 32.25, -- Ped heading (rotation)
-- Test Drive
TestDrive = vector4(-1616.63, -2990.03, 13.52, 240.22), -- The coordinates where the test drive begins
TestDrivePrice = 50, -- The price of the test drive
TestDriveTime = 10, -- The duration of the test drive
-- Showroom
showroomSpawn = vector4(-73.5, -822.0, 284.8, 201.5), -- The coordinates where the cars are displayed in the showroom
ShowCamera = { -- The camera settings for the showroom view
posX = -67.0,
posY = -824.5,
posZ = 285.5,
rotX = -9.0,
rotY = 0,
rotZ = 74.0,
fov = 45.00
-- Blips
blips = { -- The blip settings for the shop on the minimap
Position = vector3(-56.89, -1097.18, 27.42), -- Blip coordinate
Label = "Gallery", -- Blip name
Sprite = 326, -- Blip Sprite
Display = 4, -- Blip Display
Scale = 0.7, -- Blip Scale
Color = 0 -- Blip Color
Categories = { -- The list of categories for the cars
{ id = 'sports', label = "Sports" },
{ id = 'sedans', label = "Sedans" },
{ id = 'compacts', label = "Compacts" },
{ id = 'sportsclassics', label = "S. Classics" },
{ id = 'super', label = "Super" },
{ id = 'tuners', label = "Tuners" },
{ id = 'coupes', label = "Coupes" },
{ id = 'motorcycles', label = "motor" },
{ id = 'muscle', label = "Muscle" },
{ id = 'offroad', label = "Off-Road" },
{ id = 'suvs', label = "SUVs" },
{ id = 'vans', label = "Vans" },
{ id = 'dlc', label = "DLC" }
Cars = {
-- motorcycles
{ label = 'Ruffian', price = 99999, model = 'ruffian', categories = 'motorcycles' },
{ label = 'Hakuchou', price = 20000, model = 'hakuchou', categories = 'motorcycles' },
{ label = 'PCJ 600', price = 10000, model = 'pcj', categories = 'motorcycles' },
{ label = 'Nemesis', price = 12000, model = 'nemesis', categories = 'motorcycles' },
{ label = 'Sanchez', price = 18000, model = 'sanchez', categories = 'motorcycles' },
-- offroad
{ label = 'Dubsta', price = 70000, model = 'dubsta3', categories = 'offroad' },
{ label = 'Dubsta 2', price = 70000, model = 'dubsta2', categories = 'offroad' },
{ label = 'Brawler', price = 40000, model = 'brawler', categories = 'offroad' },
{ label = 'Dubsta 6x6', price = 70000, model = 'dubsta3', categories = 'offroad' },
{ label = 'Dune Buggy', price = 30000, model = 'dune', categories = 'offroad' },
{ label = 'Rebel', price = 35000, model = 'rebel', categories = 'offroad' },
{ label = 'Ramp Buggy', price = 60000, model = 'dune3', categories = 'offroad' },
-- sport
{ label = 'Sentinel', price = 50000, model = 'sentinel', categories = 'sport' },
{ label = 'Carbonizzare', price = 90000, model = 'carbonizzare', categories = 'sport' },
{ label = 'Jester', price = 80000, model = 'jester', categories = 'sport' },
{ label = 'Feltzer', price = 75000, model = 'feltzer2', categories = 'sport' },
{ label = 'Elegy RH8', price = 90000, model = 'elegy2', categories = 'sport' },
-- super
{ label = 'Adder', price = 100000, model = 'adder', categories = 'super' },
{ label = 'Entity XF', price = 95000, model = 'entityxf', categories = 'super' },
{ label = 'Osiris', price = 110000, model = 'osiris', categories = 'super' },
{ label = 'T20', price = 135000, model = 't20', categories = 'super' },
{ label = 'Reaper', price = 125000, model = 'reaper', categories = 'super' },
-- muscle
{ label = 'Blade', price = 35000, model = 'blade', categories = 'muscle' },
{ label = 'Sabre Turbo', price = 40000, model = 'sabregt', categories = 'muscle' },
{ label = 'Phoenix', price = 45000, model = 'phoenix', categories = 'muscle' },
{ label = 'Vigero', price = 30000, model = 'vigero', categories = 'muscle' },
{ label = 'Gauntlet', price = 50000, model = 'gauntlet', categories = 'muscle' },
-- compacts
{ label = 'Blista Compact', price = 45000, model = 'blista2', categories = 'compacts' },
{ label = 'Issi', price = 40000, model = 'issi2', categories = 'compacts' },
{ label = 'Brioso R/A', price = 35000, model = 'brioso', categories = 'compacts' },
{ label = 'Panto', price = 30000, model = 'panto', categories = 'compacts' },
{ label = 'Rhapsody', price = 32000, model = 'rhapsody', categories = 'compacts' },
-- sedans
{ label = 'Warrener', price = 55000, model = 'warrener', categories = 'sedans' },
{ label = 'Schafter', price = 60000, model = 'schafter2', categories = 'sedans' },
{ label = 'Tailgater', price = 50000, model = 'tailgater', categories = 'sedans' },
{ label = 'Fugitive', price = 45000, model = 'fugitive', categories = 'sedans' },
{ label = 'Asterope', price = 40000, model = 'asterope', categories = 'sedans' },
[2] = {
ServerName = "uz Roleplay designs your dream boat", -- The name of the server
-- Orther Coords
BuySpawn = vector4(-793.292297, -1429.279175, -0.476929, 144.566910),
PressButton = vector3(-720.6, -1327.0, 2.6),
-- Ped Settings
peds = {
model = 'cs_milton', -- Ped model
position= vector3(-720.61590576172, -1327.0679931641, 1.6), -- Ped position
heading = 312.25, -- Ped heading (rotation)
-- Test Drive
TestDrive = vector4(-793.292297, -1429.279175, -0.476929, 144.566910),
TestDrivePrice = 50,
TestDriveTime = 15,
-- Showroom
showroomSpawn = vector4(-716.794, -1344.95, -0.5, 201.5),
ShowCamera = {
posX = -725.602, -- -725.602, -1358.61, 0.1185
posY = -1358.61,
posZ = 7.0,
rotX = -16.0,
rotY = 0,
rotZ = -35.0,
fov = 45.00
-- -- Blips
blips = { -- The blip settings for the shop on the minimap
Position = vector3(-720.61590576172, -1327.0679931641, 1.5962907075882), -- Blip coordinate
Label = "Boat Gallery", -- Blip name
Sprite = 326, -- Blip Sprite
Display = 4, -- Blip Display
Scale = 0.7, -- Blip Scale
Color = 0 -- Blip Color
Categories = {
{ id = 'jets', label = 'Jets' },
{ id = 'helicopters', label = 'Helicopter' },
{ id = 'smallplanes', label = 'Small P.' },
{ id = 'cargoplanes', label = 'Cargo P.' },
{ id = 'military', label = 'Military' },
{ id = 'seaplanes', label = 'Sea P.' },
{ id = 'vipjets', label = 'VIP Jets' },
{ id = 'fighter', label = 'Fighter' },
Cars = {
-- Motorboats
{ label = 'Dinghy', price = 50000, model = 'dinghy', categories = 'motorboats' },
{ label = 'Speeder', price = 60000, model = 'speeder', categories = 'motorboats' },
{ label = 'Marquis', price = 70000, model = 'marquis', categories = 'motorboats' },
{ label = 'Toro', price = 80000, model = 'toro', categories = 'motorboats' },
{ label = 'Jetmax', price = 90000, model = 'jetmax', categories = 'motorboats' },
-- Sailboats
{ label = 'Squalo', price = 200000, model = 'squalo', categories = 'sailboats' },
{ label = 'Suntrap', price = 400000, model = 'suntrap', categories = 'sailboats' },
{ label = 'Dinghy2', price = 100000, model = 'dinghy2', categories = 'sailboats' },
-- Speedboats
{ label = 'Speeder', price = 60000, model = 'speeder', categories = 'speedboats' },
{ label = 'Seashark', price = 80000, model = 'seashark', categories = 'speedboats' },
{ label = 'Jetmax', price = 90000, model = 'jetmax', categories = 'speedboats' },
-- Jet Ski
{ label = 'Seashark', price = 80000, model = 'seashark', categories = 'jetski' },
{ label = 'Speeder', price = 60000, model = 'speeder', categories = 'jetski' },
{ label = 'Dinghy', price = 50000, model = 'dinghy', categories = 'jetski' },
[3] = {
ServerName = "uz Roleplay designs your dream air", -- The name of the server
-- Orther Coords
BuySpawn = vector4(-724.73791503906, -1443.9154052734, 5.0005226135254, 142.22235107422),
PressButton = vector3(-700.19, -1401.16, 6.5),
-- Ped Settings
peds = {
model = 'cs_milton', -- Ped model
position= vector3(-700.19, -1401.16, 5.5), -- Ped position
heading = 140.35, -- Ped heading (rotation)
-- Test Drive
TestDrive = vector4(-953.64, -3356.34, 13.94, 57.88),
TestDrivePrice = 50,
TestDriveTime = 10,
-- Showroom
showroomSpawn = vector4(-724.68, -1443.85, 5.0, 141.13),
ShowCamera = {
posX = -738.22,
posY = -1442.64,
posZ = 8.0,
rotX = -10.0,
rotY = 0.0,
rotZ = -96.0,
fov = 85.00
-- Blips
blips = {
Position = vector3(-700.09, -1401.23, 5.5),
Label = "Air Shop",
Sprite = 326,
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.5,
Color = 4,
Cars = {
-- Jets
{ label = 'Hydra', price = 3000000, model = 'hydra', categories = 'jets' },
{ label = 'Lazer', price = 2500000, model = 'lazer', categories = 'jets' },
{ label = 'Besra', price = 2000000, model = 'besra', categories = 'jets' },
-- Helicopters
{ label = 'Buzzard', price = 1500000, model = 'buzzard', categories = 'helicopters' },
{ label = 'Savage', price = 2000000, model = 'savage', categories = 'helicopters' },
{ label = 'Cargobob', price = 2500000, model = 'cargobob2', categories = 'helicopters' },
{ label = 'Volatus', price = 1800000, model = 'volatus', categories = 'helicopters' },
{ label = 'Maverick', price = 1200000, model = 'maverick', categories = 'helicopters' },
-- Small Planes
{ label = 'Mammatus', price = 800000, model = 'mammatus', categories = 'smallplanes' },
{ label = 'Dodo', price = 900000, model = 'dodo', categories = 'smallplanes' },
{ label = 'Velum', price = 1000000, model = 'velum', categories = 'smallplanes' },
{ label = 'Duster', price = 600000, model = 'duster', categories = 'smallplanes' },
-- Cargo Planes
{ label = 'Titan', price = 4000000, model = 'titan', categories = 'cargoplanes' },
{ label = 'Bombushka', price = 5500000, model = 'bombushka', categories = 'cargoplanes' },
{ label = 'MILJET', price = 6000000, model = 'miljet', categories = 'cargoplanes' },
-- Military
{ label = 'Buzzard Attack', price = 2000000, model = 'buzzard2', categories = 'military' },
{ label = 'Savage', price = 2200000, model = 'savage', categories = 'military' },
-- Sea Planes
{ label = 'Dodo', price = 900000, model = 'dodo', categories = 'seaplanes' },
{ label = 'Seabreeze', price = 1000000, model = 'seabreeze', categories = 'seaplanes' },
{ label = 'Tula', price = 1500000, model = 'tula', categories = 'seaplanes' },
{ label = 'Duster', price = 600000, model = 'duster', categories = 'seaplanes' },
-- VIP Jets
{ label = 'SuperVolito', price = 15000000, model = 'supervolito', categories = 'vipjets' },
{ label = 'Nimbus', price = 18000000, model = 'nimbus', categories = 'vipjets' },
{ label = 'Valkyrie', price = 20000000, model = 'valkyrie', categories = 'vipjets' },
-- Fighter
{ label = 'Hydra', price = 3000000, model = 'hydra', categories = 'fighter' },
{ label = 'Pyro', price = 4000000, model = 'pyro', categories = 'fighter' },
Categories = {
{ id = 'motorboats', label = 'Motorboats' },
{ id = 'sailboats', label = 'Sailboats' },
{ id = 'speedboats', label = 'Speedboats' },
{ id = 'jetski', label = 'Jet Ski' },
desing = {
background = {
boxShadow1 = '#62D9AC',
boxShadow2 = '#28AA79',
header = {
TextUP = {
textColor = 'linear-gradient(104.75deg, #00FF94 2.61%, #24D88C 103.29%)',
textShadow = '#00FF94',
TextDown = {
textColor = '#AEFFDD',
textShadow = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.56)',
features = {
mainColor = '#25F1A5',
otherColor = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.95)',
boxColor = '#25F1A5',
boxColor2 = '#25F1A5',
iconShadow = 'rgba(99, 180, 222, 0.7)',
boxShadow2 = '#25F1A5',
boxShadow3 = 'rgba(37, 241, 165, 0.50)',
boxShadow4 = 'rgba(37, 241, 165, 0.20)',
liverySelect = {
mainColor = '#25F1A5',
textColor = 'rgba(37, 241, 165, 0.91)',
textColor2 = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.95)',
textShadow2 = 'rgba(37, 241, 165, 0.56)',
textShadow3 = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.56)',
svgShadow1 = '#D7D7D7',
svgShadow2 = '#D9D9D9',
svgShadow3 = '#0B3324',
svgShadow4 = '#60D9AC',
categoreis = {
mainColor = '#00FF94',
svgShadow1 = '#002918',
textShadow = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.45)',
testDrive = {
mainColor = '#25F1A5',
textColor = 'rgba(37, 241, 165, 0.91)',
exitButton = {
backgroundColor = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.06)',
textColor = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.82)',
textColor2 = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.91)',
textShadow = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.56)',
textShadow2 = '#00FF94',
carsList = {
scrollbackgroundColor = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.91)',
backgroundColor1 = '#00FF94',
backgroundColor2 = '#002918',
textColor = '#00FF94',
textColor2 = '#AEFFDD',
textShadow = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.45)',
textShadow2 = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.56)',
money = {
backgroundColor = '#00FF94',
backgroundColor2 = '#5200A5',
boxShadow1 = '#002918',
boxShadow2 = '#00FF94',
boxShadow3 = '#5200A5',
boxShadow4 = '#200040',
boxShadow5 = '#7F00FF',
textColor = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.95)',
textColor2 = '#00FF94',
textColor3 = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.95)',
textColor4 = '#5200A5',
textShadow = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.56)',
textShadow2 = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.45)',
textShadow3 = 'rgba(174, 255, 221, 0.56)',
textShadow4 = 'rgba(0, 255, 148, 0.56)',
textShadow5 = 'rgba(82, 0, 165, 0.56)',
CustomizeMarker = {
Marker = true,
MarkerDistance = 3.0, -- 20.0
MarkerDrawTextDistance = 3.0,
MarkerNuiOpenDistance = 2.0,
ShopOpenDrawText = function(ShopPosition)
local text = "~y~[E] -~g~ ~g~OPEN "
local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(ShopPosition.x, ShopPosition.y, ShopPosition.z)
local px, py, pz = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
SetTextScale(0.40, 0.40)
SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 215)
DrawText(_x, _y)
local factor = (string.len(text)) / 370
DrawRect(_x, _y + 0.0125, 0.015 + factor, 0.03, 41, 11, 41, 90)
ShopOpen = function()
if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
return true
SetCarkeys = function(Plate)
-- Your Carkey Events
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", Plate)
DisplayHud = function(truefalse)
if truefalse then
-- exports['uz_TrygonHud']:SetHudVisibility(true) -- Hud Export
-- exports['uz_TrygonHud']:SetHudVisibility(false) -- Hud Export
randomCharacter = function(length)
local res = ""
for i = 1, length do
res = res .. string.char(math.random(97, 122))
return res
randomNumber = function(length)
local res = ""
for i = 1, length do
res = res .. string.char(math.random(48, 57))
return res
Plate = function()
return string.upper(randomNumber(2) .. randomCharacter(3) .. randomNumber(3))
SendMessage = function(message, isError, part, source)
if part == "client" then
if Settings.Framework == "esx" or Settings.Framework == "old-esx" then
TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message)
TriggerEvent("QBCore:Notify", message, isError)
elseif part == "server" then
if Settings.Framework == "esx" or Settings.Framework == "old-esx" then
TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, message)
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, message, isError)
GetFramework = function()
local Get = nil
if Settings.Framework == "old-esx" then
while Get == nil do
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(Set) Get = Set end)
if Settings.Framework == "esx" then
Get = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
if Settings.Framework == "qb-core" then
Get = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
return Get
ExecuteSql = function(query)
local IsBusy = true
local result = nil
if Settings.Mysql == "oxmysql" then
if MySQL == nil then
exports.oxmysql:execute(query, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
MySQL.query(query, {}, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
elseif Settings.Mysql == "ghmattimysql" then
exports.ghmattimysql:execute(query, {}, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
elseif Settings.Mysql == "mysql-async" then
MySQL.Async.fetchAll(query, {}, function(data)
result = data
IsBusy = false
while IsBusy do
return result
Last updated
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