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PlayerDisplay = true
InventoryOpenControl = 'I'
NotificationTime = 2150
DropMaxWeight = 200,
DropMaxSlot = 15,
TrunkMaxWeight = 45,
TrunkMaxSlot = 7,
GloveMaxWeight = 32,
GloveMaxSlot = 4,
PlayerMaxWeight = 67,
PlayerMaxSlot = 16,
PlayerInventoryLabel = 'My Bag',
Customize = {
Framework = "QBCore", -- QBCore | ESX | NewESX | OldQBCore (Write the framework you used as in the example)
ServerName = 'UZ STORE',
SecondTitle = 'for a quality roleplay!',
PlayerDisplay = false,
InventoryOpenControl = 'I',
NotificationTime = 2150,
PlayerMaxWeight = 120, -- KG
PlayerMaxSlot = 30,
PlayerInventoryLabel = 'My Bag',
BlackInventoryLabel = 'Already in Use',
DropMaxWeight = 200,
DropMaxSlot = 30,
TrunkMaxWeight = 45,
TrunkMaxSlot = 25,
GloveMaxWeight = 25,
GloveMaxSlot = 5,
StashPersonalizedLabel = ' Special',
DefaultStashMaxSlot = 9,
DefaultStashMaxWeight = 100,
Customize.VehFrontTrunk = {
[`gp1`] = true,
[`t20`] = true,
[`re7b`] = true,
[`ninef`] = true,
[`adder`] = true,
[`tyrus`] = true,
[`tyrant`] = true,
[`vagner`] = true,
[`reaper`] = true,
[`comet2`] = true,
[`comet3`] = true,
[`jester`] = true,
[`jester2`] = true,
[`cheetah`] = true,
[`infernus`] = true,
[`tempesta`] = true,
[`zentorno`] = true,
[`stingergt`] = true,
[`pfister811`] = true,
[`penetrator`] = true,
[`prototipo`] = true,
[`cheetah2`] = true,
[`turismor`] = true,
[`entityxf`] = true,
[`turismo2`] = true,
[`italigtb`] = true,
[`surfer2`] = true,
[`autarch`] = true,
[`ardent`] = true,
[`bullet`] = true,
[`monroe`] = true,
[`ninef2`] = true,
[`surfer`] = true,
[`osiris`] = true,
[`nero2`] = true,
[`vacca`] = true,
[`nero`] = true,
[`fmj`] = true,
CustomizeMarker = {
Marker = function(Position)
DrawMarker(20, Position.x, Position.y, Position.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 255, 128, 0, 150, false, false, false, 1, false, false, false)
DrawTextDisplay = false,
DrawText = function(Text, Position)
local text = Text
local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z)
local px, py, pz = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
SetTextScale(0.25, 0.25)
DrawText(_x, _y)
DrawRect(_x, _y + 0.0125, 0.015 + (string.len(text)) / 330, 0.03, 41, 11, 41, 68)
MarkerNuiOpenDistance = 2.0,
Open = function()
if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
return true
CustomizeItems = {
['info'] = {
Name = 'info',
Label = 'info',
Image = '',
Description = function(info)
if info ~= nil then
return 'Info: '' \n Info2: '' '
return 'item name'
Weight = 2.5,
['uzstore'] = {
Name = 'uzstore',
Label = 'UZStore',
Image = '',
Description = '♥ UZStore ♥',
Weight = 2.5,
['noos'] = {
Name = 'noos',
Label = 'noos',
Image = '',
Description = 'noosssssss',
Weight = 2.5,
isUse = true,
['water'] = {
Name = 'water',
Label = '🏄🏼♀️Water',
Image = '',
Description = '🕵🏻 Are You Thirsty 🕵🏻',
Weight = 0.5,
isUse = true,
['wood'] = {
Name = 'wood',
Label = 'Wood',
Image = '',
Description = 'alşksdnşlkasndşlkasşldn',
Weight = 0.5,
isUse = false,
['coffee'] = {
Name = 'coffee',
Label = 'Coffee',
Image = '',
Description = "If you want to have a hot coffee, I'm here!",
Weight = 0.2,
isUse = true,
['tosti'] = {
Name = 'tosti',
Label = 'tosti',
Image = '',
Description = "tosti",
Weight = 0.2,
isUse = true,
['pistol_suppressor'] = {
Name = 'pistol_suppressor',
Label = 'Suppressor',
Image = '',
Description = 'Pistol Suppressor',
Weight = 0.7,
isUse = true,
['pistol_extendedclip'] = {
Name = 'pistol_extendedclip',
Label = 'Extended Clip',
Image = '',
Description = 'Pistol Extended Clip',
Weight = 0.3,
isUse = true,
['pistol_flashlight'] = {
Name = 'pistol_flashlight',
Label = 'Flash Light',
Image = '',
Description = 'Pistol Flash Light',
Weight = 0.5,
isUse = true,
['pistol_luxuryfinish'] = {
Name = 'pistol_luxuryfinish',
Label = 'Luxury Finish',
Image = '',
Description = 'Pistol Luxury Finish',
Weight = 0.5,
isUse = true,
Customize.Stash = {
['Police'] = {
Position = vector3(55.05, -633.18, 31.67),
Personalized = true, -- (true or false)
Data = 'Police1',
Label = 'Police',
Job = 'police', -- (nil or Job)
StashMaxSlot = 5,
StashMaxWeight = 32,
Position = vector3(55.8, -628.16, 31.66),
Personalized = false, -- (true or false)
Data = 'Police',
Label = 'Puplic_Stash',
Job = nil
CustomizeWeapons = {
[`weapon_pistol`] = {
Name = 'weapon_pistol',
Label = 'Pistol',
Image = '',
Description = "🔫 You are Gun! 🔫",
Weight = 0.7,
Attachments = {
extendedclip = {
component = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_02',
item = 'pistol_extendedclip',
type = 'clip',
flashlight = {
component = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH',
item = 'pistol_flashlight',
suppressor = {
component = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02',
item = 'pistol_suppressor',
luxuryfinish = {
item = 'pistol_luxuryfinish',