Customize = {
Framework = "QBCore", -- QBCore | ESX | NewESX | OldQBCore (Write the framework you used as in the example)
Mysql = "oxmysql", -- oxmysql | ghmattimysql | mysql-async (Write the sql script you use as in the example)
UIColor = "#58F1F3", -- Default ui color (just enter the color in hex!)
VariableUIColor = true, -- ui color determines whether all ui will change color when color is set
RepairPrice = 250,
CustomFunction = function(Vehicle, Porps)
--activated after the vehicle modification has been changed
JobErrorNotify = function()
print("you don't have this job")
OpenCustoms = function()
CloseCustoms = function()
Lang = {
HeaderName = 'UZ',
HeaderStore = 'CUSTOMS',
Subtitle = 'designs your dream car',
Max = 'MAX',
Livery = 'Livery',
Buy = 'BUY',
Lvl = 'lvl',
Exit = 'Exit',
Mechanic = 'Mechanic',
ESC = 'ESC',
CustomizeRGBColor = {
['Primary'] = true,
['Secondary'] = true,
['Xenon'] = true,
['Neon'] = true,
CustomizeColor = {
{Label = "Chrome", ID = 120},
{Label = "Black", ID = 0},
{Label = "Carbon Black", ID = 147},
{Label = "Graphite", ID = 1},
{Label = "Anhracite Black", ID = 11},
{Label = "Black Steel", ID = 2},
{Label = "Dark Steel", ID = 3},
{Label = "Silver", ID = 4},
{Label = "Bluish Silver", ID = 5},
{Label = "Rolled Steel", ID = 6},
{Label = "Shadow Silver", ID = 7},
{Label = "Stone Silver", ID = 8},
{Label = "Midnight Silver", ID = 9},
{Label = "Cast Iron Silver", ID = 10},
{Label = "Red", ID = 27},
{Label = "Torino Red", ID = 28},
{Label = "Formula Red", ID = 29},
{Label = "Lava Red", ID = 150},
{Label = "Blaze Red", ID = 30},
{Label = "Grace Red", ID = 31},
{Label = "Garnet Red", ID = 32},
{Label = "Sunset Red", ID = 33},
{Label = "Cabernet Red", ID = 34},
{Label = "Wine Red", ID = 143},
{Label = "Candy Red", ID = 35},
{Label = "Hot Pink", ID = 135},
{Label = "Pfsiter Pink", ID = 137},
{Label = "Salmon Pink", ID = 136},
{Label = "Sunrise Orange", ID = 36},
{Label = "Orange", ID = 38},
{Label = "Bright Orange", ID = 138},
{Label = "Gold", ID = 99},
{Label = "Bronze", ID = 90},
{Label = "Yellow", ID = 88},
{Label = "Race Yellow", ID = 89},
{Label = "Dew Yellow", ID = 91},
{Label = "Dark Green", ID = 49},
{Label = "Racing Green", ID = 50},
{Label = "Sea Green", ID = 51},
{Label = "Olive Green", ID = 52},
{Label = "Bright Green", ID = 53},
{Label = "Gasoline Green", ID = 54},
{Label = "Lime Green", ID = 92},
{Label = "Midnight Blue", ID = 141},
{Label = "Galaxy Blue", ID = 61},
{Label = "Dark Blue", ID = 62},
{Label = "Saxon Blue", ID = 63},
{Label = "Blue", ID = 64},
{Label = "Mariner Blue", ID = 65},
{Label = "Harbor Blue", ID = 66},
{Label = "Diamond Blue", ID = 67},
{Label = "Surf Blue", ID = 68},
{Label = "Nautical Blue", ID = 69},
{Label = "Racing Blue", ID = 73},
{Label = "Ultra Blue", ID = 70},
{Label = "Light Blue", ID = 74},
{Label = "Chocolate Brown", ID = 96},
{Label = "Bison Brown", ID = 101},
{Label = "Creeen Brown", ID = 95},
{Label = "Feltzer Brown", ID = 94},
{Label = "Maple Brown", ID = 97},
{Label = "Beechwood Brown", ID = 103},
{Label = "Sienna Brown", ID = 104},
{Label = "Saddle Brown", ID = 98},
{Label = "Moss Brown", ID = 100},
{Label = "Woodbeech Brown", ID = 102},
{Label = "Straw Brown", ID = 99},
{Label = "Sandy Brown", ID = 105},
{Label = "Bleached Brown", ID = 106},
{Label = "Schafter Purple", ID = 71},
{Label = "Spinnaker Purple", ID = 72},
{Label = "Midnight Purple", ID = 142},
{Label = "Bright Purple", ID = 145},
{Label = "Cream Purple", ID = 107},
{Label = "Frost White", ID = 112},
-- Matte
{Label = "Black", ID = 12},
{Label = "Gray", ID = 13},
{Label = "Light Gray", ID = 14},
{Label = "Ice White", ID = 131},
{Label = "Blue", ID = 83},
{Label = "Dark Blue", ID = 82},
{Label = "Midnight Blue", ID = 84},
{Label = "Midnight Purple", ID = 149},
{Label = "Schafter Purple", ID = 148},
{Label = "Red", ID = 39},
{Label = "Dark Red", ID = 40},
{Label = "Orange", ID = 41},
{Label = "Yellow", ID = 42},
{Label = "Lime Green", ID = 55},
{Label = "Green", ID = 128},
{Label = "Forest Green", ID = 151},
{Label = "Foliage Green", ID = 155},
{Label = "Olive Darb", ID = 152},
{Label = "Dark Earth", ID = 153},
{Label = "Desert Tan", ID = 154},
-- Metals
{Label = "Brushed Steel", ID = 117},
{Label = "Brushed Black Steel", ID = 118},
{Label = "Brushed Aluminum", ID = 119},
{Label = "Pure Gold", ID = 158},
{Label = "Brushed Gold", ID = 159},
Customs = {
BlipPos = vector3(-74.97, -819.23, 325.56), -- Represents NPC and Blip location
BlipLabel = "Test Customs", -- Specifies the name to appear on the map
BlipSprite = 643, -- (
BlipDisplay = 4, -- (
BlipScale = 0.8, -- Sets icon size
BlipColour = 18, -- (
BlipDisplay = true,
VehOpenCustoms = { -- Location where the car will be picked up from the Customs
[1] = vector3(-74.97, -819.23, 325.56),
Jobs = {'all'}
BlipPos = vector3(318.44, -232.77, 53.37), -- Represents NPC and Blip location
BlipLabel = "Customs", -- Specifies the name to appear on the map
BlipSprite = 643, -- (
BlipDisplay = 4, -- (
BlipScale = 0.8, -- Sets icon size
BlipColour = 18, -- (
BlipDisplay = true,
VehOpenCustoms = { -- Location where the car will be picked up from the Customs
[1] = vector3(326.07, -241.48, 53.92),
[2] = vector3(318.63, -232.05, 53.96),
[3] = vector3(327.83, -212.17, 53.54),
Jobs = {'all'}
Last updated
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